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Tips playing game

Tips Playing "The Sims" for phone

if you play the sims on phone , may you know my tips .
this tips is to make you get 5000 simoleons , can get skills point too .

how to get it ?

you can get it from Heidi Shadows .
Heidi Shadows is a secret ninja character that sells you cheats .She can be found southwest of Imperial Estates on Mondays (11 p.m. to 12 a.m.) and in the corner of the Park Maze on Fridays (3 a.m. to 4 a.m.).
Mondays are days 1,8,15,22,29,36,43,50,57,64,71,etc.(every seven days)
Fridays are days 5,12,19,26,33,40,47,54,61,68,75,etc.
(every seven days)

she will sell you cheats that can save you a lot of time on getting skill points.

When you find her south of Imperial Estates, buy from her, and do not leave so she not disappear. buy out her shop, then wait until 1 a.m. and go to her again, she will be competely restocked.

The items that she sells are :
Rosebud => add 5000 simoleons
Slip of paper => contains a password "Bucket"
silver tongue berry => add 1 charisma skills point
Gourment Berry => add 1 cooking skill point
clock berry => add 1 mechanical point
buff berry => add 1 body point
Mind berry => add 1 logic point
DaVinci berry => add 1 creativity point

That the tips to get cheat in The sims phone ..
good luck!!!

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Want To Have many java games ??

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-Art of War
-or if you like playing counter strike at computer desktop , at there , you can download Micro Counter Strike , that game like Counter Strike at Computer , just This game more portable ..
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if you interest , you can download them at :

How To Set Up an Offline Ragnarok

How To Set Up an Offline Ragnarok

You Need :

- Ragnarok Server Emulator eAthena. you can get this at : or

Instalation Server

1. Download the File then Extract with WinRAR. extract that folder at C(Drive). example C:/Athena

2. Open Athena folder then open conf folder , there are all settings for rates, player commands, GM commands, GM Account, client, etc.
3. Because you want to playing offline version , so i make 2 guide :
- Playing alone ( in 1 computer), or
- Playing with Lan (more than 1 computers, but not at this time)

4. if you want to playing alone :
- Ragnarok “hexed” that you download, you move to ragnarok folder
- Sclientinfo.xml tahat you download too, you move to data folder in the RO folder . If there are no data folder , you make new folder and rename it to be data folder.
- Edit the Sclientinfo.xml with text editor(notepad or wordpad)
atIP Address part, you change with, then save and close.
- then open Athena>conf>battle,
at there all for set rates, many hair style (must have sprite), etc.
if finfish, save and close it .
- then open conf folder in Athena folder and search grf-files.txt
move directory your data.grf, sdata.grf RO at there, examp.
C:\Program Files\Gravity\RagnarokOnline\data.grf or C:\Program Files\Gravity\RO\data.grf

- run the runserver.bat, if succes loading will show like that:
login server

char server

map server

- run Ragnarok “hexed” . make new account with
_M (4 male) dan _F (4 female)
id: yourid_M
pass: password
when the second you login, you just write id: yourid not use _M again
Happy RO (4 alone)

Now,i'll teach you how to set up ragnarok offline in 1 intranet(more than 1 computers)

-first, we open char_athena.conf with text editor(notepad/wordpad) . at part :
// Login Server IP // The character server connects to the login server using this IP address. // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on // a machine with multiple interfaces. login_ip:
replace number “ with IP LAN server computer . then part :
// Character Server IP // The character server exports this IP address to the entire world. // NOTE: You should only need to set this if you are running behind a // firewall or are on a machine with multiple interfaces. //char_ip:
if there are “//” symbol , you must delete it . then , number “ replace with IP LAN server computer . save and then close char_athena.conf . then open map_athena.conf with text editor too… at part:
// Character Server IP // The map server connects to the character server using this IP address. // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on // a machine with multiple interfaces. char_ip:
replace “ with IP LAN server computer . part :
// Map Server IP // The map server exports this IP address to the entire world. // NOTE: You should only need to set this if you are running behind a // firewall or are on a machine with multiple interfaces. //map_ip:
if there are “//” symbol , you must delete it . then , you replace number “ with IP LAN server computer . save then close it . now open subnet_athena.conf with text editor again ... there are like that :
replace to LAN:IP LAN or LAN:IP LAN , save then close it . now we open grf-files.txt . we will see like that :
replace the path to directory where place you take data.grf and sdata.grf . examp. you install at C drive, then open program flies , open gravity , open RO then you will find data.grf . its mean the path become grf: C:\Program Files\Gravity\RO\data.grf . that same with sdata.grf . then you save and close it .

-D/L Ragnarok “hexed” tahat i tell you at top, you move to your ragnarok folder .

-D/L Sclientinfo.xml :
fill with IP LAN server computer , if finish , save and close then mmove to Ragnarok data folder , if there are no ragnarok data folder , you can make it . if finish , copy Ragnarok “hexed” and data folder to ragnarok folder at your net . run the runserver.bat , if finish , there are will show a picture with IP LAN server computer . if finish , run Ragnarok “hexed” and make an account .

the step is like at top .. (Happy ROFF )

if you want to be the Game Master (GM):

a. step to make GM ID

b. how to change Server name

c. how to know IP LAN and Subnet

::How to make GM ID::

a. make a general Id like i tell at top , then open server Athena folder>save>account.txt there are shown like that (example) :
you watch the beginning code , like that 2000xxx (xxx is your Id code ). you watch the code and you must watch your ID and Your Password , example if your id is yourid and your password is password at begin of this , there are writed 2000001 , number 2000001 shown your ID code , copy and then close this account.txt … you open conf folder , at there , there are file GM_account.txt . if you open it , you will see like that ;
// eAthena’s GM Accounts File (for TXT servers only) // Edited by MC Cameri to enable account id ranges // Changing this file while login server is running // Usage #1(Standard): // Usage #2(Range): // Examples: // 2000002 99 // 2000003-2000005 99 // 2000003~2000005 99 // 2000001 30
if you want to delete all , is ok ..… paste your ID code to the place where is empty then you give a space then you give one code from many code at the bottom of this sentence :
1: Super player

10: Super player+

20: Mediator

40: Sub-GM

50: Sub-GM+

60: GM

80: GM Chief

99: [Nyit-Nyit Team]

example : 2000001 99 (if you want to be [Nyit-Nyit Team]).

::step to change Server Name ::

open char_athena.conf at part :
// Server name, use alternative character such as ASCII 160 for spaces. // NOTE: You should not use spaces in the server name, or guild emblems won’t work client-side! server_name: eAthena
change eAthena with your RO server name at sclieninfo too at part :
fill or replace with server name that you write at char_athena.conf.

::step to see IP LAN and Subnet::

-Klick start then klick run write cmd at the box , this will be like that :
this will shown the command like that :
write ipconfig -all , then will show the Subnet mask and IP Address.


Happy RO ....


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