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Walking fish

 for Indonesian version
At the North Pole is Fish Can Walk - Fish that live incredible 375 million years ago had unique features in the head so that helped pave the way for vertebrate animals to live on land, scientists said on Wednesday.?
Scientists for the first time described features in the bottom of the skull "Tiktaalik roseae", which is called "walking fish" discovered in the Canadian Arctic in 2004.

Animals are seen as an important transitional animal in the evolution of fish into amphibians, the first vertebrate animals that live on land.

The findings showed that the shift from water to land is more complicated than mere changes in fish fins so feet, the scientists write in the journal Nature.

The animal's head showed changes from more primitive fish that helped adapt to the conditions of breathing and a new way of eating that is presented by the environment of Earth, the scientists said. Like some other fish in their time, these animals have gills and lungs.

"Not that I want to say that Tiktaalik itself is an animal of the Earth. Animals that spend most of their time in water, of course," said Jason Downs of the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, one of the researchers, said in a telephone interview.

"So, what is actually shown is that many of these changes and all things that we associate with life on earth began to slide, to adjust to life in shallow water environments may face Tiktaalik," said Downs.

The animal seems to inhabit lowland freshwater mud in a subtropical environment. The animal is aquatic predator with a large body of flesh by 2.7 meters long, sharp teeth and flat head like a crocodile and unlike primitive fish.

The animal may be out of the water for a short trip ashore. "Fish in the water, insects on land - it can eat it all if you look at the skull," said Neil Shubin of the University of Chicago, another of the researchers.

Tiktaalik is seen as the forerunner of all land vertebrates including amphibians, reptiles, mammals and eventually manusia.nPara scientists describe the main characteristics in brain tissue and head and trends in the size of the bone called "hyomandibula".

In fish, the bones were connected to the brain, palate and gill arrangement and to coordinate their movements during breathing and eating under water.

As land animals evolved, "hyomandibula" eventually become "stapes" - one of the small bones in the middle ear. Tiktaalik has features of some of the more primitive fish that live and features the first amphibious four-legged land-dwelling.

Fins have a shoulder and wrist that can be seen in one evolutionary step towards a leg that can be used to run on dry land.

The lower part of his skull remains embedded in the rock as Tiktaalik discovery was announced. By using jarung to release it from stone bit by bit by using a microscope, scientists have conducted a study on the inside of the skull of the animal.

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